Programm 2020
16.- 17. November 2020 - Virtual
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Montag, 16. November 2020
Montag, 16. November 2020 08:00
LogIn opens for PAW Business Virtual
Montag, 16. November 2020 09:00

Welcome & Opening
Sprecher*in: Martin Szugat, Founder & Managing Director, Datentreiber GmbH
Montag, 16. November 2020 09:10

How Machine Learning Helped RTL to Become a Streaming Broadcaster
Sprecher*in: Karin Immenroth, Chief Data&Analytics Officer, Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland GmbH
When RTL startet to broadcast german content in 1984 it was received initially by just a handful of roughly 200.000 households. In the past years Mediengruppe RTL became the biggest broadcaster in Germany. However, with the advent of large scale VOD streaming services viewing behaviour started to change. In 2018 we launched our own VOD streaming service TVNOW. To support the growth of TVNOW we are leveraging state of the art statistical analyses, AI and machine learning techniques. We are developing models to gain insights about the effectiveness of our communication channels and formats in generating inflow. We are building in house recommender systems to increase the click through rate of our videos – just to name a few of our big data projects. In total we do see the future and these developments will contribute significantly to our transformation in becoming a major future streaming broadcaster and as such repeat the success of our predominantly linear past.
Montag, 16. November 2020 09:55
Short Break
Track 1: Case Study Sessions: Marketing, Media & Retail
Montag, 16. November 2020 10:05

How to Build a Media Mining Platform at Speed of Light
Sprecher*in: Christian Gilcher, CTIO, DDG AG
Many AI-centric discussions lack the fundamental importance that the underlying architecture has for the business performance of the resulting system. At the example of, a media mining solution to extract metadata from videos with machine learning, this session introduces a powerful architecture pattern for AI-native business software: based on containerized micro-services and event-driven. Also the presentation shows the implementation of this architecture pattern called an open sourced MLOps workbench and environment for scalable and reliable AI business applications. The case study gives specific insights, how the architecture drives collaboration between Data Scientists and DevOps teams, resulting in a fast and efficient way to integrate AI models from a variety of sources into a consistent overall system. Attendees will take away important inspirations around a modern, AI-native architecture pattern that can be re-used for a variety of other cases and learn how to build a media mining service.
Montag, 16. November 2020 10:35
Coffee Break
Montag, 16. November 2020 10:50

Engagement: Speed Networking
Speed Networking at a virtual conference? Yes, it is possible AND fun. All attendees will get instruction with their login details.
Montag, 16. November 2020 11:10
Short Break
Track 1: Case Study Sessions: Marketing, Media & Retail
Montag, 16. November 2020 11:20

Signature Code – Increasing the Effectiveness of Advertisement Spots with Artificial Intelligence at RTL
Sprecher*in: Dr. Marc Egger, Head of Data Science, Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, Data & Audience Intelligence
Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland is developing an artificial intelligence based system to decode advertisement spots with regard to their advertising effectiveness. To do so, they are extracting a multitude of features from both the visual and audio signals of advertisement spots. The extracted features are then related to measured variables indicating the effectiveness of the spot. Thus, the system is able to detect signatures of advertisement spots that are able to predict their impact on the viewer. For instance, viewers like spots better if they contain dominant music and worse if they contain too much written text. In the next developing stages, they will add further features to the system such as emotional signatures as well as the context within spots are shown to improve its overall performance and to widen its scope.
Track 2: Deep Dive Sessions: Finance & Insurance
Montag, 16. November 2020 11:20

Accounting of Data & Transfer Prices
Sprecher*in: Dr. Angelica Maria Schwarz, Lawyer, Bär & Karrer
The handling of data represents a new challenge for many companies – this applies not only from a technical but also from a legal point of view. The use of data can generate added value and exploit potential. The question therefore arises as to whether and how this added value should be reflected in the balance sheet. The presentation provides an answer to this question and introduces the accounting principles and prerequisites for capitalizing data. Where the tax balance sheet is based on the commercial balance sheet, this question also directly affects the tax treatment of data. In this context, transfer pricing aspects must be taken into account, especially since the internal exchange and use of data is particularly relevant for internationally active group companies. Accordingly, the question is currently also being investigated by the OECD, which wants to have group-internal transactions remunerated at third price.
Track 3: Deep Dive Sessions: Machine & Deep Learning
Montag, 16. November 2020 11:20

Two-Layer Approach to Combine Artificial and Human Intelligence When Labeled Data Is Scarce
Sprecher*in: Dr. Vlad Ardelean, Senior Data Scientist, GfK
Building an AI solution, if the data is unlabeled and the labeling of the full data set is too expensive, is a more then complex task. In order to overcome this challenge, GfK uses a two-layer approach similar to active learning. In the first step we build a model to propose a relatively small subset of the data that should be annotated by the market experts that will work with the solution. Then, to further reduce the needed involvement we build a second model on the annotations to minimize their involvement for the future. The presentation will showcase how two-layer approach helped GfK to increase data quality while minimizing the needed human labelling effort. Furthermore, we will discuss the challenges and benefits of this approach. Finally, there will be a deep dive into the code, the architecture and continuous evolution pipeline for the model.
Montag, 16. November 2020 12:30
Lunch Break
Track 1: Case Study Sessions: Marketing, Media & Retail
Montag, 16. November 2020 13:00

How Did Predictive Analytics & Attribution Help Fingerspitzengefühl To Optimize Cross-Channel Marketing Campaigns
Sprecher*innen: Dr. Alwin Haensel, Founder and Managing Director, Haensel AMS Juan Camilo Garzon Beltran, Head of Operations, Fingerspitzengefühl
Fingerspitzengefühl (FSG), an agency, supports international companies in successfully establishing and expanding their online business in Germany. With FSG, we at Haensel AMS have developed an analytics & attribution system that connects all data sources at individual user touch point level. With the help of a novel attribution model, the performance of various marketing activities/campaigns and their interactions can be determined and thus the profitability of the marketing budget in the multi-channel mix can be optimized. In the talk we will introduce and explain the data basis, the concepts of the attribution & analytics models, the design of the dashboard, as well as some FSG use cases.
Track 2: Deep Dive Sessions: Finance & Insurance
Montag, 16. November 2020 13:00

Stock Price Prediction and Portfolio Optimization Using Recurrent Neural Networks and Autoencoders
Sprecher*in: Julian Quernheim, Senior Data Scientist, mVISE AG
Financial time series forecasting is a challenging problem. Deep learning approaches, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs), have proven powerful in modelling the volatility of financial stocks and other assets, as they are able to capture non-linearities in sequential data. Recent studies have shown that RNNs have surpassed well-known autoregressive forecasting models (Siami-Namini, 2018). Besides forecasting the next value of a stock, creating an optimal portfolio is equally important. Deep portfolio theory (Heaton,2018) uses autoencoders to model the non-linearity of the time series to accurately predict returns. Within this session, Julian will extend this approach by first performing a 10-day ahead forecast and then train an autoencoder model to construct an ideal portfolio that incorporates previous and future stock market information. You will be provided with a theoretical understanding of how RNNs and autoencoders work and how to apply them on multivariate timeseries forecasting and portfolio optimization problems. The new model is then applied on financial stock data and compared to traditional portfolio optimization methods. Finally, the session will end with presenting an overview of key challenges and current research topics within that field.
Track 3: Deep Dive Sessions: Machine & Deep Learning
Montag, 16. November 2020 13:00

Model-agnostic Black-Box Enlightening with SHAP
Sprecher*in: Prof. Dr. Steffen Wagner, Lead Data Scientist, INWT Statistics
The acceptance of machine learning algorithms in predictive analytics heavily depends on their interpretability. With the growing complexity of deep learning and machine learning models, the need for explanability techniques is continually increasing. Model-agnostic explanability techniques are a topic of on-going research in the field of explainable AI, since they allow to compare different modeling approaches within one concept. This deep dive presents SHAP, a model-agnostic game theoretic approach. SHAP unifies existing concepts like LIME and Shapley regression. State-of-the-art software implementation, highly-tuned algorithms for tree-based and deep learning models, as well as unified explanations of both global and local feature importance made SHAP the new gold standard in the field of XAI. The session will demonstrate the advantages and elegance of SHAP in the field of predictive analytics, and show why it belongs in every data scientist’s toolbox.
Montag, 16. November 2020 14:00
Short Break
Track 1: Case Study Sessions: Marketing, Media & Retail
Montag, 16. November 2020 14:10

Risikoerkennung bei Werbekunden von Zeitungsverlagen am Beispiel von Schwäbisch Media
Sprecher*innen: Dr. Steffen Ehrmann, Chief Data Officer, Schwäbischer Verlag Dr. Tobias Ziegler, Data Scientist, Schickler Unternehmensberatung
Schon vor der Covid-19-Krise befand sich der Werbemarkt für Zeitungen in einer angespannten Situation. Gemeinsam mit unserem Kooperationspartner Schwäbisch Media, einem deutschen Regionalzeitungsverlag, haben wir ein Modell entwickelt, um gefährdete Werbekunden frühzeitig zu identifizieren. Dies ermöglicht dem Kunden, knappe Ressourcen für Gegenmaßnahmen effektiv einzusetzen. Das Modell nutzt neben statischen Fakten auch die historischen Buchungen der Kunden. Peer-Groups, die sowohl das kommerzielle Umfeld als auch das Buchungsverhalten widerspiegeln, erlauben es uns, auch kleine und neue Kunden, die im lokalen Markt besonders interessant sind, einer Risikobewertung zu unterziehen. Die umsatz- und frequenzabhängigen Risikobewertungen werden im praktischen Einsatz über Dashboards dargestellt, um das Werbemarktteam im Verkauf zu unterstützen und so die Werbeeinnahmen zu verbessern.
Track 2: Deep Dive Sessions: Finance & Insurance
Montag, 16. November 2020 14:10

How to Remove Bias and Make Machine Learning Models Fair & Discrimination-Free at the Example of Credit Risk Data
Sprecher*in: Sray Agarwal, Associate Director Data Science and Analytics, Publicis Sapient
There have been multiple instances when a machine learning model was found to discriminate against a particular section of society, be it rejecting female candidates during hiring, systemically disapproving loans to working women, or having a high rejection rate for darker color candidates. Recently, it was found that facial recognition algorithms that are available as open-source have lower accuracy on female faces with darker skin color than vice versa. In another instance, research by CMU showed how a Google ad showed an ad for high-income jobs to men more often than women. Using credit risk data where we wanted to predict the probability of someone defaulting on a loan, we were able to shortlist features that were discriminatory in nature.
Track 3: Deep Dive Sessions: Machine & Deep Learning
Montag, 16. November 2020 14:10

Daily Data Fusion at German Internet Scale – Predicting Sociodemographic Data with a Constantly Changing Architecture
Sprecher*innen: Dr. Markus Eberl, Senior Director Analytics Practice, Kantar Attila Görög, Senior Consultant Data Science, Kantar
Obtaining cookie profiles and valid information about daily user behaviour on the internet is equally important for websites and advertisers. In Germany, this is the responsibility of agof (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online Forschung) with Kantar Analytics Deutschland being a key service provider. The process links cookie-based technical measurements with survey and projection data from traditional market research. This deep dive will show how such a multi-method model works in principle, how REST-APIs, SQL databases and neural networks come into play and how the models are regularly updated. The presentation will additionally describe how innovations and improvements can be implemented even during ongoing operations.
Montag, 16. November 2020 15:20
Coffee Break
Track 1: Case Study Sessions: Marketing, Media & Retail
Montag, 16. November 2020 15:35

Subscription Probability Prediction for Traditional Publishers
Sprecher*in: Dr. Tim Hasenpusch, Business Lead, Digitl
HHLab, the Hamburg based research and development unit of NOZ and mhn Media focuses among other things on the development and application of machine learning, IoT, and interactive storytelling to traditional publishing business. Together with Trakken Web Services – as HHLabs digital analytics partner – HHLab has developed a subscription probability prediction model to predict the likelihood of a user conversion to a paid long-lasting monthly subscription after a free 30 days trial period. With the aim of addressing their most valuable clients, HHlab is working on a process, to manage their marketing budgets more efficiently by using the model predictions. In this use-case presentation, the speaker will introduce all project steps from idea generation, data wrangling, modelling, usage of Google Cloud services in production to activation and future projects.
Track 2: Deep Dive Sessions: Finance & Insurance
Montag, 16. November 2020 15:35

Machine Learning & Financial Data: Fixing Up the Marriage
Sprecher*in: Oleksandr Honchar, CTO and Founder, Neurons Lab
It’s hard to find a field where machine learning didn’t make its impact already. But despite all the buzzwords and marketing, machine learning in finance is still an open case. The main reason is that machine learning practitioners treat financial data as it is regular routinely practice in computer vision or NLP, not taking into account stochastic underlying nature of the data and related decisions. This deep dive presentation shows on real examples the top-mistakes that practitioners do with financial time series, how these mistakes can be fixed and how drastically change the related results.
Track 3: Deep Dive Sessions: Machine & Deep Learning
Montag, 16. November 2020 15:35

An Agile Approach to Data Science Product Management
Sprecher*in: Benjamin Ziomek, CTO, Actuate
There are few frameworks on effective AI Project Management. Industry-standard frameworks for data analysis projects, like CRISP-DM, exist but none are effective for managing the development of AI products from deployment to production. The result is that many data science teams are focused on outputting one-off analytical projects, rather than building long-term, maintainable products that directly drive business processes and goals. In this talk we propose an effective project management framework for building production data science systems based on our experience constructing such systems at large tech companies, late-stage start-ups, and early-stage ventures. Specifically, we propose that a blend of CRISP-DM and the Extreme Programming agile development methodology can serve as a starting point for building organization-specific data science product development processes.
Montag, 16. November 2020 16:45
Short Break
Montag, 16. November 2020 16:55

Sometimes Algorithms Matter: When to Bring out the Big Guns
Sprecher*in: Dean Abbott, Chief Data Scientist, Appriss Retail
For most data science applications, the algorithms do not matter nearly as much as data integration and data preparation. But sometimes, we really need to bring out the big guns: the most sophisticated and complex algorithms to solve difficult problems. This talk will describe situations where complex algorithms matter and when one might want to choose Random Forests, XGBoost or Deep Learning networks to solve those difficult problems.
Montag, 16. November 2020 17:55
Networking in Virtual Reception Area
Montag, 16. November 2020 18:30
End of first conference day PAW Business Virtual
Dienstag, 17. November 2020
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 08:00
LogIn opens for PAW Business Virtual
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 09:00

Welcome & Opening
Sprecher*in: Martin Szugat, Founder & Managing Director, Datentreiber GmbH
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 09:05

How to Scale Data Function in a Fast-Growing Organization? Learnings from HRS
Sprecher*in: Dr. Sébastien Foucaud, Member of the Board, SBSF Consultancy
In a fast-growing company like HRS, knowing how to use Data Analytics, Data Science and Machine-Learning is not only about hiring the right data people and work on the right problem but also how to setup the function and spread best knowledge and practices related to data and associated technology across the organization. In this talk I will use concrete examples of problems faced in setting up a large data function and how we are solving it at HRS, in particular in times like during the COVID-19 crisis. The audience will be given the following key take aways: How to set up your data function for it to scale as fast as your company grows? How can you support your team leads and teams with data in this critical period of growth? What are best current practices?
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 09:55
Coffee Break
Track 1: Case Studies Sessions: Service, Sales & Supply Chain
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 10:10

NLP-based Customer Service Automation at Scale for the Quality Carrier Hapag-Lloyd
Sprecher*innen: Adrian Baetu, Team Lead AI, Hapag-Lloyd Sebastian Nichtern, Senior Data Scientist, Ginkgo Analytics
The transport and logistics industry has been known for their hesitance and struggles to fully embrace digitization. By now, many digitization initiatives have failed. The main challenges are missing industry-wide standards, potential lack of global digital penetration and the fact that the primary communication channel is still e-mail. In this case study Adrian and Sebastian will show you, how they have embarked on a journey to transform the mere idea of automation and usage of modern prediction tools in their industry to bringing the first use cases live in their own production environment. The use case addresses the automatic handling of Bill of Lading e-mails to increase the automation of the documentation process. They would like to share their experience with you on how they deployed a scalable, automated cloud solution for a selected use case, their critical success factors and which pitfalls they needed to circumvent in order to go live and run the solution in production with tangible benefits.
Track 2: Case Study Sessions: Finance & Insurance
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 10:10

Why Don’t People Pay? Revolutionizing Debt Collection with Machine Learning and Behavioral Science for Creditreform
Sprecher*in: Prof. Dr. Florian Artinger, Co-Founder, Simply Rational
Have you ever received a letter from a debt collection agency? If you have not, then you are among a lucky few people. Failing to pay a bill happens even to those who are financially well-off. For instance, a letter with an open bill can easily slip one’s attention when one is travelling frequently. This is only one reason among many why people don’t pay. Ignoring these can seriously jeopardizes the good relationship with valued customers or even lead to substantial problems. Creditreform has teamed up with Simply Rational, a spin-off from the Max Planck Institute, to design and implement a novel system for debt collection combing Machine Learning and Behavioral Science. The approach has proven highly effective in large-scale field-testing and promises to revolutionize debt collection by taking the individual needs of debtors seriously.
Track 3: Deep Dive Sessions: Marketing & Sales
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 10:10

Adding Machine Learning to Search for Better Results, More Conversions and Happier Customers
Sprecher*in: Samay Kapadia, Data Scientist, Delivery Hero
When every app or website has a search box, it is crucial to level up your search engine to rise past the competition and increase your bottom line. Introducing machine learning to your search engine is complicated but worth it – so let’s break it down. This talk details the transition from a simple weight-based search engine to a machine learning powered, data driven setup; and how to achieve the „Always be testing“ state with rapid iteration cycles. It covers an end-to-end search engine architecture, from data logging from Microservices, processing with Apache Spark, training with LambdaMART, and deploying your models with ONNX on top of ElasticSearch or Solr.
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 11:20
Short Break
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 11:30

Roundtable Discussion
Sprecher*innen: Dr. Christian Schäfer, Head of Data Science, Dept Data & Intelligence Dr. Timo Böhm, Data & Cloud Engineer, Codecentric Tom Alby, Chief Digital Transformation Officer, Euler Hermes Prof. Dr. Sven Crone, Lecturer, CEO and Founder, iqast Cecilia Floridi, Managing Director, DataLab. Norbert Wirth, Global VP Data, PAYBACK
From the start Predictive Analytics World has been the place to discuss and share our common problems. These are your people – they understand your situation. Often rated the best session of all, sharing your problems with like-minded professionals is your path to answers and a stronger professional network.
- Pros and Cons of Data Warehousing for Data Science with Christian Schäfer
- MLOps in Real Life with Timo Böhm
- Will Kill Regulations AI for FinTech & InsurTech? with Tom Alby
Demand Forecasting in Times of Corona: Challenges & Solutions with Sven Crone
- Data Science: Easy to Start, Hard to Scale with Norbert Wirth
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 12:15
Lunch Break
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 12:45

How AI Is (Not) Changing Forecasting & Demand Planning
Sprecher*in: Prof. Dr. Sven Crone, Lecturer, CEO and Founder, iqast
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) reign high on the Gartner hype cycle, promising new business models, and capturing the imagination of executives well outside the digital industries of Facebook, Google and Uber. However, despite dozens of POC studies, in demand planning AI/ML is struggling to prove significant increases in accuracy. A limiting factor is that the underlying data is fundamentally different. After a brief introduction into AI/ML in forecasting we will explore the differences in data between image recognition and demand planning, where the dataset size, structure and labels are often sparse. Companies are not drowning in data, but rather sitting in a puddle! As this limits AI/ML algorithms, we present a case study at one of the worlds leading pharmaceutical manufacturers Janssen (a Johnson & Johnson company) where enhanced datasets with increased sample frequency and automatic feature generation promise break-through increases in accuracy by using AI/ML.
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 13:30
Kurze Pause
Track 1: Case Studies Sessions: Service, Sales & Supply Chain
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 13:40

Improving Sales Forecasting for Unilever Through Deep Learning based Object Detection for Ice Cream
Sprecher*in: Rohit Agarwal, Chief Data Officer, Bizom
Out-of-stock situations (OOS) are undesirable for brands especially in the ice cream business. Traditional prediction (forecasting) models which depend largely on historical sales data tend to fail while predicting optimal quantity of ice cream stock for various retailers. This is evident as the OOS situation is quite common especially in the summers. One of the reasons is that the models generally don’t use past OOS events to correct themselves. This is simply because gathering OOS data automatically is a challenge. The key to identify OOS in ice cream cabinet is to determine the depth up to which an ice cream basket is filled with the SKU. We have devised an automated way to determine the OOS by leveraging our state-of-art deep learning based image recognition technology 35 hawk. The algorithm has been tested in retail stores across Bangalore, India with following outcomes: 80% of OOS events avoided due to better stock predictions. SKU Detection Accuracy: 95%. Depth Detection Accuracy: 90%. This approach is generic and can be extended to dairy, frozen foods which are kept in horizontal refrigerators (cabinets). In this presentation we intend to share our work and results with respect to the Indian market.
Track 2: Case Study Sessions: Finance & Insurance
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 13:40

Behavioral Fraud Detection for Credit Card Transactions at YapiKredi
Sprecher*in: Dr. Günther Hoffmann, CEO, LexaTexer - Enterprise AI
Fraud impacts banks that provide online payments service and challenges audit companies and financial players. Driven by growing B2C online trade, an increasing number of credit card transaction evaluations and credit decisions have to be made in real time. Manual processes won’t scale and are error prone. The challenge is to implement real-time transaction assessment and improve the accuracy of fraud detection. The overall objective is to reduce decision cycles, improve customer experience, automate the transaction and lending process, to recognize fraudulent transactions and transactions involving a credit line that won’t be covered later on. This case study will provide an example application of behavioral fraud analytics to credit card transactions data provided by YapiKredi. Based on roughly 30 million transactions this case study will present a technical deep dive comparing behavioral approaches in combination with machine learning against purely statistical/machine learning approaches.
Track 3: Deep Dive Sessions: Marketing & Sales
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 13:40

Summarizing Large Texts – a Deep Dive into NLP with Bidirectional Encoders
Sprecher*in: Nataliia Kees, Data Scientist, qdive
Text summarization is a highly useful tool for extracting key information from text, which helps businesses speed up processes dramatically. With the use of bidirectional encoders, such as BERT, RoBERTa or BART, automatic production of human-like summaries has become easier to achieve than ever. For some of the inputs, however, the quadratic time complexity of bidirectional encoders results in a specific token limit, acting as a constraint for processing large text sequences. In her talk, Nataliia will show how to produce high quality summaries for large text inputs, guiding you through the data preparation process and suggesting some heuristics to deal with the token limit. She will compare the performance of different state-of-the-art bidirectional encoders on large text sequences on the example of consumer complaint data and show which architectures ensure producing the best summaries.
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 14:50
Coffee Break
Track 1: Case Studies Sessions: Service, Sales & Supply Chain
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 15:05

Malt Yield Forecast for Bitburger: a Toolbox for Data-Driven Brewing Optimization
Sprecher*innen: Mina-Lilly Shibata, Research Data Scientist, RapidMiner Josef Kimberger, Project Engineer Data Science, Bitburger Braugruppe
The knowledge and sophistication behind the process of brewing beer evolved over millennia and is now put into an industrial context with the demand for resource-saving efficiency. The path from the raw ingredients to enjoying cold beer is increasingly complex. To meet this challenge, brewing experts, machine manufacturers and data scientists closely collaborated for creating a toolbox that enables a user-friendly access to data-driven solutions. It includes adaptive modules with built-in requirements and offers guidance to set up own problem-solving components. In this talk, attendees will learn how the toolbox accompanies the brewer in the data mining journey from data acquisition to deployment along a malt yield prediction. Insights about the malt quality are provided as a web app supporting process optimization and supplier negotiations. The established use-case-specific strategy is manifested in a generalized form that is easily applicable to similar problems in other companies.
Track 2: Case Study Sessions: Finance & Insurance
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 15:05

Challenges & Best Practices in Building & Deploying Data Products at Helvetia
Sprecher*innen: Julia Brosig, Senior Data Scientist, qdive Christian Müller, Senior Data Scientist, Helvetia Insurance
The time when it was okay for Data Science to just be cool is over. Nowadays, the expectation is to integrate models into production seamlessly. At Helvetia, the third biggest insurance company in Switzerland, data scientists can prototype on their personal sandbox and deploy cutting-edge data products effortlessly. They created a cloud-based working environment together that takes out the burden of deployment, allowing the data scientists to focus on what they can do best. This talk will explain how the Data Science Workbench was designed and discuss the key ideas and components: AWS AMIs to pre-configure EC2 instances equipped with key data science tools. Users manage their instances comfortably via Slack. Julia and Christian will also discuss our experiences and other insights gained during development.
Track 3: Deep Dive Sessions: Marketing & Sales
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 15:05

How to Estimate the Impact of TV Commercials on a Website
Sprecher*in: Dr. Christian Schäfer, Head of Data Science, Dept Data & Intelligence
Classic TV commercials are a building block for creating brand awareness. But some companies also run TV commercials to directly attract users to their website and close a deal. In order to estimate the impact of TV commercials on a website, the expected number of web sessions are compared to the number of web sessions right after the commercial was broadcast. But it’s not as simple as it sounds. TV commercials might be broadcast in parallel on multiple small TV stations, so signals are feeble and overlapping. In this talk, Christian shows how to model the problem as a non-parametric estimation of intensity measures of multiple Poisson point processes where only the sum of the processes is observed. You will see how to calibrate the estimation procedure in the absence of ground truth and run simulation studies to ensure that the tuned method provides unbiased results. The presented methodology has supported marketing decision makers to adjust media spend on a variety of large direct TV campaigns.
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 16:15
Short Break
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 16:25

Will Ethics Kill the Predictive Analytics Star?
Sprecher*in: Matthias Spielkamp, Executive Director, AlgorithmWatch
Governments worldwide are rushing to come up with ideas to regulate so-called Artificial Intelligence, automated and „autonomous“ systems, and predictive analytics applications. From the EU’s AI White Paper to the newly founded Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), comprising 15 states (including the EU and the US), the question is how to deal with the powerful promises and high risks of optimisation technologies and probabilistic decision-support systems. Companies react by hurriedly drafting „AI ethics guidelines“, hoping this will save them from regulatory oversight. In my keynote, I will delineate the state of play of both governments’ and businesses’ activities and sketch out ideas of how to tackle the regulatory and ethical challenges ahead.
Dienstag, 17. November 2020 17:00